What uniform is required and where to purchase it.
Scouts are a uniformed organisation and the wearing of uniform is an important part of Scouting. It is a way of identifying the movement and promoting a sense of belonging. It is also practical clothing for the activities we do. The uniform is a visible sign of the Scout promise and the Scout law.
At the 17th Newcastle, we do not require young people to wear uniform until they have spent a few weeks with us. This is to ensure that they enjoy Scouting and want to continue. We also understand that uniform can be expensive and we do not want to put any financial pressure on families.
Beavers wear a turquoise sweatshirt, a group scarf and a woggle. They can optionally wear a turquoise polo under their sweatshirt.
Similar to Beavers, Cubs wear a green sweatshirt, a group scarf and a woggle. They can optionally wear a green polo
Scouts wear a shirt (or blouse) with a group scarf and a woggle. They can optionally wear a leather scout belt and buckle.
Our Scouts wear green shirts. Please ensure that you purchase the correct colour (Air & Sea Scouts wear blue shirts, for example).
We also have branded group hoodies available for sale. These are not part of the uniform but are popular with young people and adults alike. They are available in a range of sizes and can be purchased from the group.
You can order a hoodie by filling in this form.
Neckerchiefs are provided by the group and are included in the termly subscription. They are to be worn with a woggle. The woggle is a leather or plastic ring that holds the neckerchief in place.
Lost or damaged neckerchiefs can be replaced at a cost of £5. Please contact the section leader to arrange a replacement.