We have a parental WhatsApp group for each section. Please let us know if you would like to join.
We use WhatsApp to communicate with parents and carers about information needed in the moment. This could be about a change of plan, a reminder about an event, or a request for help.
We do not use WhatsApp to share personal information about your child - and it is important that personal information is not shared in the group.
Please do not use the WhatsApp group to ask questions about the programme or to report absences, likewise, messaging leaders directly via WhatsApp is not appropriate. Please use email, the 'Contact Us' page on this website, or Online Scout Manager's absence reporting feature.
If you would like to join the WhatsApp group for your child's section, please let us know by contacting your section's leadership team ([email protected] e.g. [email protected]) by email or in person.
You can leave the WhatsApp group at any time via the app. Note that when joining a group you'll automatically be enrolled to the WhatsApp community announcement channel which you may need to leave separately.
We have a WhatsApp Policy which outlines the rules for using WhatsApp in relation to the group. Please read this before joining the group. Failure to adhere to the policy may result in removal from the group.