A day trip for cub pack to visit the historic capital of Scotland.
Exact times and itinerary are subject to change. Please check back closer to the date of the trip for the most up-to-date information. We'll communicate any changes via email and our social media channels.
Our Cubs are visiting Edinburgh this September for a day trip. We will be visiting the historic capital of Scotland, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. We'll spend the day exploring the city, visiting the castle and enjoying a picnic in the park.
The trip will take place on Saturday 28th September 2024. We will meet at the West Jesmond Metro Station at approximately 7:30am and return at around 7:30pm. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and brings a packed lunch.
Our itinerary is action-packed with exciting, fun and engaging activities. This isn't a school trip: we won't be academically studying the city, but instead we'll be engaging in a variety of activities which are engaging and fun for young people.
Edinburgh Castle
Explore the iconic landmark of Edinburgh and some of the history and attractions that go alongside it. We'll explore the grounds, the stories that come with it including the ancient volcanoes, Scottish battles and see the Scottish crown jewels! After exploring the castle, we'll walk down to Princes Street Gardens to enjoy a picnic lunch under the (hopefully) sun and let off some energy before traveling to our next stop!
Our Dynamic Earth
At the foot of a volcano lies Dynamic Earth, the UK’s leading earth science centre. The immersive, interactive and impactful visitor experience takes you on a journey through the story of our extraordinary planet, from beginning to mend. Be there at the moment of the Big Bang, rocket through the universe billions of times faster than the speed of light, feel the effects of a real volcano, get closer to understanding the polar ice caps by touching our iceberg, stare in wonder at the Aurora Borealis, watch powerful glaciers carve out entire continents, dive to the dark depths of the ocean, and avoid rainstorms in our tropical rainforest.
Museum of Childhood
Explore a child’s life at home, at school and at play. See blasts from the past like Muffin the Mule, the first star of children's television and Radio Rex – a 1920s voice activated toy. Favourite toys which last the test of time are also on display including a Buzz Lightyear, the action figure from 2000 and a Fisher-Price Chatter Telephone from 1979. And don't miss the dressing-up area and tee-pee in the imaginary play area which offers families the chance to play together.
This short trip to the museum of childhood breaks our journey from Dynamic Earth back into the centre of Edinburgh and provides a great opportunity to get hands on with some history from the Victorian era, through the two World Wars and what parents may have played with when they were young!
Please ensure your child brings the following items with them on the day:
Drop-off is at West Jesmond Metro Station no later than 7:00am, and we'll return to the same location around 8pm (dependent on train times and potential delays).
Important - drop off and pick up times
We will be travelling as a group on the Metro and National Rail services - it is vital that your child is on time for the drop-off and pick-up times. If you are late we cannot guarantee that we will be able to wait for you and your child may miss the trip. As such, we advise you arrive at West Jesmond Metro Station no later than 6:45am.